Jammu and Kashmir issue #Article 370 scrapped

J&K and Ladhak are Bifurcated By Government of India and now In India 9 union territories occured due to this bifurcation and J&K is one Union Territory and another is Ladhak but there is difference J&k are Union Territory with Legislature but Ladhak is without Legislature that means J&K is having RajyaSabha with CM with less power than other States its same like Delhi.

After Scrapping Article 370 J&k have lost their special status of state and Article 370 not lost totally but some clauses of it B and C clause are removed and A clause remain.

Some Leaders of J and K are under house arrest from last 6 days and around 500 separatist have been shifted to UP jail through special air force flight.

And around 35000 forces are deployed in Kashmir region which contains around 100 companies to make peace around the area and for any unwanted things can’t happen.

Also another region is now as it has cleared than Kashmir has been now integral part of India the Pakistan is total Shock and may take any step that can be out of control so the. Army, air force , and navy is on high alert to break any adventure by Pakistan.

Pakistan have some diplomatic steps to raise concern like ending trade between two countries and also scrapping train bus services and Pakistan also said to raise concern of the matter to UN giving raise of Shimla treaty.

In Return Govt. Of India has already cleared through mea and also in parliament that it’s the matter of internal section of India and it has no link to world as j&k is integral part of India .

Many Countries supported this move like Russia, Srilanka, Bangladesh etc.

In both parliament the 3 bills are passed with minority for bifurcation.

We hope everything go well In Kashmir in coming days and everything go normal .

It’s a great move by Govt of India to scrap this which make j&k different from India and now it has become integral part of India.

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( Himanshu Chavhan )

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